Thursday, December 29, 2011

Thoughts on Baking

Around friends I’m known as the “Cake Boss” because of my baking creations.  It’s amazing to see my journey with creative cakes.  I’ve always loved “cute foods”, but taking the Wilton cake decorating class has taken it to new heights.  My journey into the land of cakes started January 2011 and has taken off since then.  If I wasn’t careful packing, I would have ended up with more cake baking supplies than clothes!  But why did I stick with cakes?  I’ve tried other crafty things, but cakes?  I think my main objective was to start something that people didn’t have to store in their homes.  I’ve tried painting mugs, origami, basically anything to keep me occupied, but space was starting to become a problem.  With cakes I can make them, appreciate their beauty, and then EAT them!  Plus what’s a good occasion without a centerpiece of something sweet? 

Last night I made the last cake in my home kitchen before the move.  Amazingly, I finished everything except decorations in an extremely short amount of time.  I distinctly remember baking my first few cakes and it taking HOURS.  Over time I’ve practiced and learned the tricks that have made it a smooth process.  I guess the life lesson I’ve started to take away from all of this is that if you are passionate about creating a quality product, at first it will be hard, but overtime you will get the hang of it and it will be second nature.  

Thursday, December 22, 2011

I love my job

To my family at CFT,

Yes, you are my family, there is no denying it.  Ever since I started working at CFT I have been in awe of the amazing, heartfelt, dedicated, and compassionate people that I see everyday.  As a co-worker's boyfriend best put it, "Everyone must be on happy pills because everyone is always so positive and smiling".  You all have made an impact on my life that I can never forget.  I want to tell you all a huge THANK YOU.  Thanks for being my friends, co-workers, inspirations, role models, and every other great aspect that you can think of.  I am going to miss you all so incredibly much, but I know a lot of you go to D.C. for conferences so we will see each other soon.  Someone powerful must have been looking over my life and blessed me to be surrounded by the best people in the world.  Know that I love you all so very much and you will always be on my heart.  I think the best way to express how much I care about you all is through a song (yes, it's Josh Groban).

"You are Loved"

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

DC Bucket List

“I’m already thinking of New Years Resolutions, something I want to do is create a bucket list.”  - My supervisor at my current job.

What a great idea!  A bucket list!  Ok, I’m completely stealing the idea from my boss, but she has great ideas and this is a stroke of genius.  Some of the things on my list might seem impossible to achieve, but at the same time, I jump out of planes. 

-Visit every museum in Washington, D.C.
-Celebrate MLK day at the new MLK statue
-Watch the inauguration
-Rally behind something I believe in
-Take a picture with the occupy movement so I can show my future grandkids “I was there!”
-Have my name published in the paper for a great achievement
-Shake hands with the president
-Make snow angels on the National Mall
-Read beneath the Cherry Blossom Trees
-Take artsy photos of the monuments
-Learn a new language and order food in that language
-Learn something about every animal at the zoo
-Go to the Kennedy Center Honors
-Promise to laugh every day
-Get into a great graduate program
-Watch the sunset over the monuments

Monday, December 19, 2011

An Introduction

Stolen from a friends facebook page:

Want to be amazing? Want to be epic? Want to be outstanding?

All right. Here’s your recipe:

Look at what you feel you should do, what you know would change your life and the lives of others for the better. Let it overwhelm you. Let it terrify you. Let it mock you with its impossibility and insurmountableness. Let others tell you it can’t be done. Let your friends and family call you stupid or foolish or naive. Let fear chatter in your ear and erode your confidence and your ability to think rationally.

Then, do it anyway.

Starting on my new journey certain feels like this quote.  After years of wishing, hoping, and wanting to be the change I want to see in the world, I'm finally doing it.  Starting in January I'm moving from a comfortable life in my small southern hometown to our Nations Capital.  This blog will help chronicle my journey.