Thursday, December 22, 2011

I love my job

To my family at CFT,

Yes, you are my family, there is no denying it.  Ever since I started working at CFT I have been in awe of the amazing, heartfelt, dedicated, and compassionate people that I see everyday.  As a co-worker's boyfriend best put it, "Everyone must be on happy pills because everyone is always so positive and smiling".  You all have made an impact on my life that I can never forget.  I want to tell you all a huge THANK YOU.  Thanks for being my friends, co-workers, inspirations, role models, and every other great aspect that you can think of.  I am going to miss you all so incredibly much, but I know a lot of you go to D.C. for conferences so we will see each other soon.  Someone powerful must have been looking over my life and blessed me to be surrounded by the best people in the world.  Know that I love you all so very much and you will always be on my heart.  I think the best way to express how much I care about you all is through a song (yes, it's Josh Groban).

"You are Loved"

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